Martin Matousek – Marketing, communication and development

He grew up in the industrial part of the Czech Republic and was always aware of the large environmental impact that industry has. Martin Matousek chose a job in financial reporting, but with a technical slant. “I worked mostly for consulting companies,” explains the young Czech. In the Netherlands I worked mostly in technical jobs. The conversations I had with Elizabeth made the sustainability virus jump from her to me. I wanted that too.”  

Back to the Czech Republic with a mission, knowledge and ambitions 

Martin’s dream of using his skills for a cause with real substance took shape when he got in touch with Salacia himself. “Elisabeth had already said that within now and 10 years she hoped to spread the sustainability message in Eastern Europe. That went much faster thanks to Salacia’s incisive mentality: a plan was forged to promote Salacia’s software from the heart of the Eastern Bloc. That’s how we ended up back in Prague, with a mission, with knowledge and ambitions,” Martin said.  

The implementation of sustainability accounting lags slightly behind the Netherlands in the Czech Republic, according to Martin. “However, we do face the same hurdles here. Even though public opinion toward sustainability measures has changed for the better in the Czech Republic, we still see a lot of resistance from the business community to work in accordance with the CSRD. Calculating your ESG impact and taking the right measures is surrounded by misconceptions about investments you won’t get back. It is up to us the rewarding task to show that having your ESG tracking & reporting in place offers new business opportunities. The momentum is ideal, sustainability is now also a hot topic here in the Czech Republic.” 

‘Companies often want too much, at once’ 

In Eastern Europe, businesses can get along just fine with Salacia’s English-language software. “So there is no problem there. What is a problem is that many companies are kind of waiting for the September deadline and are passive. However, the demos we give are catching on and you see everyone waking up. Then comes problem number two: when they then go for it, they often want too much, at once. What is good is that there is definitely a demand for a good ESG tool like Salacia’s.” 

 Martin and Elisabeth have their focus on the Czech Republic, because that is an approachable market for them, given their origins. Nevertheless, they are already rolling out to Slovakia, Slovenia and Poland. “Inhibition is caused by the same parties everywhere,” Martin concludes. “By shareholders who are reluctant to invest, by the government that has made sustainability a political game and by ignorance. Fortunately, more and more smart, forward-looking people can be found in the business community, who recognize that sustainability is mandatory and can also create huge business opportunities.”  

Sow now, reap later 

Martin and Elisabeth work with KPIs and targets. This year, the goal is to realise a strong growth of Salacia’s software in the Czech market. Martin deals with networking, communication and marketing: “It’s sow now, reap later. I am also a developer and Salacia also uses that talent. Elisabeth and I do our work here with dedication and are proud that we get to earn our money by working with companies to create a better world tomorrow.” 

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